Thursday, February 5, 2009

Critical Study

I also need to write a critical study about my practise. This is what I've come up with and I could need some help with resources. So if you know something that has to do with this stuff (a name, book, show, anything) please let me know ^_^

The main topic of my studio research is that I want to know how children think and how far I can stretch the limits creating an animation that’s nasty but still is at the same time fun and harmless for children. My end result is a mixed media animation series suitable for children on this topic.
I’m interested in this particular theme because I find the whole macabre side in humans interesting and it’s fascinating that we are capable of doing things that are horrible. That combined with my love for kids which have no sense of right and wrong is the reason why I came to this project. In this case I take the villain out and give him his own show.
The theoretical area’s I’m going to explore are social and psychological and maybe also cultural. Social because the medium television is social and psychological because I’m going to dig deeper in thoughts of people. I’ve also come across some cultural differences about how to handle children between the Netherlands and the U.K. Some stuff in the Netherlands is allowed for children to see while in the U.K it would be banned from television.
My resources are people that have the same philosophy as me like the Dutch people of ‘villa achterwerk’, Josh Whedon and some philosophers which names I never remember. They share the same vision as me; that not everything has to be sweet especially the stuff for children. I give the bad and horrible example with my animation, an example how children shouldn’t behave (which still is an indirect lesson to children). It’s a celebration about nasty children.

1 comment:

Andy R Macpherson said...

I hope this is still useful to you, and not too late...
But I have a notebook of quotes about child psychology and psychology in relation to art and tv. If it is still useful I could e-mail some of the key quotes to you...

In the meantime, some useful books from the college library include:
- "Art & Psyche: A Study in Psychoanalysis & Aesthetics", Ellen Handler Spitz. (1985). Yale University Press, New Haven.
- "Psychology & Visual Aesthetics", R.W. Pickford. (1972). Hutchison Educational Ltd., London.
- "Television & Everyday Life", Roger Silverstone. (1994). Routledge, London.
- "Narrative Comprehension & Film", Edward Branigan. (1992). Routledge, Oxon.